Hekiganroku - Case 98: Tempyo's Two "Wrong"s Master Tempyo was on an angya [1] and visited Sai'in. (He was always saying, "Don't say you have understood Buddhism. I have sought after someone who could give correct explanations, but in vain.") One day, Sai'in saw him at a distance and summoned him, "Jyui! [2]" Tempyo raised his head. Sai'in said, "Wrong!" Tempyo went on a couple more steps. Sai'in said again, "Wrong!" Tempyo came closer. Sai'in said, "I have just said, 'Wrong!' twice. Does it mean that it is I who am wrong, or it is you?" Tempyo said, "It is I." Sai'in said, "Wrong!" Tempyo said nothing. Sai'in said, "Please stay here for the summer [3]. I'll examine the two 'Wrong!'s with you." However, Tempyo immediately left him. Later he was the abbot of his own temple and said to his assembly, "As I was once on an angya, I was driven by the wind of fate and came to Elder Shimyo [4], who cried to me, 'Wrong!'. Moreover, he demanded that I stay with him for the summer to examine this matter with him. I didn't believe I had done anything wrong then. But when I was on my way down south, I realized quickly that I had done something entirely 'wrong'." [1]: A traditional pilgrimage in order to deepen the practice. [2]: Tempyo's personal name. [3]: I.e., a summer sesshin for three months. [4]: I.e., Sai'in.